With wishes to back The Time


Nafsu nak post macam-macam membuak-buak lepas menggatal men-stalker blog Alyaa Khairudin yang lbh manis di tagkan as Recycle Bin. Hoh, nampak kan pen-stalker sejati. Dengan penyakit ciken pop yg tk baik-2 lagi ni saya menggagahkan diri nak menaip *bukan susah mana ye tak*

Actually nak buat entry pasal penyesalan yang tak guna. Ingat tahun 2012 nie cuba nak buat perubahan drastik utk diri sendiri tp tk mcm baru awal maal hijrah dah buat onar mcm-mcm. Ohh mayyy. Penyesalan tu baru rasa sekarang. Masa awal-2 buat kesalahan tk fikir semua benda tuh. Nak patah balik masa pun dh tk berguna sekarang. Kalau nak teruskan our relationship ni lagi 10 tahun tk kan kite kena mcm nie terus.Changes are required in our relationships. Nak cakap bahagia, yah i'm fucking happiest with you, but out relationship will more better blessed if we are one heart together.

Everysingle masa solat I'm always pray to God. Moga-2 ape yg saya harapkan Allah akan tunaikan. This is one of factor why our relationship always had a problem. Otherwise I know you never ever notice this, maybe I'm the one. I'm always wait for that time. The time that you will say "Dear,I'm change. Lets make a some drastic changes for our relationship, our future together everlasting".

Mungkin saya yang tak kuat, tak berani nak terus cakap pasal ni. Because I know then we will fight if I'm always keep repeating the same thing. And you will fedup later. But how long I must keep this alone. Alone you know. I 'm never said this things to other even to my closed friend. Never! Just God will listen this. I hope one day Allah will heard my prayer. InsyaAllah.

And our relationship will full with blessed. Happinest together everlasting. Insyaallah :)

p/s : Cepatlah ciken pop yang ada dekat muka ni sembuh. Rimass okayy rimas :p

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